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Content Spotlight is one of the best SEO firms in India, providing effective SEO services to its clients. Content Spotlight is one of the best SEO marketing companies for small businesses. Content issues can be numerous, but it is important to resolve the issues affecting a website’s online presence and visibility. Being the best SEO company in India and an enterprise SEO agency, Content Spotlight has access to powerful next-generation tools to help clients stay ahead in the SEO competition. There are small SEO issues that create big problems but are not known to many agencies. It is important to use the right tools to find out the SEO issues affecting a website. Overall, if a website reaches an SEO score of 90, then it is good, but it is possible to reach a score of 100 if all issues are corrected. As one of India’s best SEO marketing companies, Content Spotlight focuses on the right tools to improve SEO scores. Some of the SEO issues that are of concern to users are discussed below.

1.301 redirects: Content Spotlight, one of the top SEO agencies in India, knows the importance of redirect issues. 301 redirect issues need to be resolved, as they can become a huge matter of concern for business websites. Unknown to many website owners, they are sometimes completely unaware of this issue. They even tend to ignore this issue, even if they know about it. It is important to correct all 301 redirect issues and make sure that website pages and posts are pointing to the correct URL.

2. 404 errors: Content Spotlight, one of the top SEO firms in India and one of the best SEO companies takes care of 404 errors seriously. 404 errors indicate that the page being searched is not available anymore. Either the page may have been deleted accidentally or intentionally. It is important to remove link references to such pages if they are removed from the database. Users should not be affected in any way when they click on a page in a search engine and find that it does not exist. User experiences tend to decline and are heavily impacted if 404 errors are found.

3. Alt text: Alt text is a matter of concern, and writers or SEO agencies need to make sure that all alt image descriptions and texts are filled out. If not filled, the website may not be able to show the text and the media properly. Not filling out alt texts can reduce SEO scores and adversely impact page rankings in the SERPs.

4. HTML code to text ratio: Content Spotlight, being the best SEO marketing company in India, is aware that HTML code to text ratio is an important factor to consider while writing content. Writing too much content without relevant code is not good and have an adverse impact on search engine optimization. The user experience is adversely affected, which impacts the website. Sometimes, it is essential to remove HTML code that is not required at all.

5. Putting ads on a page: Content Spotlight, one of the leading SEO firms in India, discourages the use of ads on a website. Adding too many ads to a website page or blog post is not good, as it affects the user experience and causes the user to get frustrated and leave the page without visiting again. Especially, ad networks put unnecessary ads on a specific page of a website, causing issues and problems for the user in navigating the page properly.

6. Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is seen as a major problem on many websites. Some websites with a good SEO score may have a high bounce rate. The high bounce rate is caused by many factors, but the most common reasons include page load time and website speed. Users tend to leave pages when they find that they are loading very slowly without signing up or subscribing to alerts.

7. Breadcrumbs: As one of the best SEO agencies in India to work with, Content Spotlight is well aware of the fact that using breadcrumbs markup helps to display the information of a page or blog post in search results. Breadcrumb markup is an essential point to consider when it comes to enhancing user experiences and provide better accessibility to users.

8. Relevance of Content: Content Spotlight is an SEO agency in India that provides professional SEO services and understands the relevance of content. Content Spotlight is a pioneer keyword research SEO company in India that stresses on the right keywords. The purpose of writing content is to ensure that the user’s problem is solved. When a user types in a query, the content written on the website should satisfy the intent of the user. Such actions can improve the user experience, and the user can leave a positive comment, like, or share the blog post on social media.

9. Core Web Vitals: Content Spotlight, the best SEO company in India, studies and conducts research on the search engine algorithms that get updated now and then. Core Web Vitals are considered very important after Google released their latest guidelines and algorithms. The website should pass the Core Web Vitals test to ensure that users have a seamless experience navigating the website. Websites ranking now may be removed later from the Google database due to a failed Core Web Vitals assessment.

10. Language: Content Spotlight, one of the best SEO marketing companies and top SEO service providers in India, knows that language is a very critical factor to consider because users read content from other countries where English is not the native language. The use of the hreflang attribute plays a key role here, as it helps translate the content into their local language for better understanding.

There are many other factors besides the ones discussed above that need to be given due preference to provide better accessibility to website users or visitors from around the globe. Content Spotlight, being a top SEO agency and a leading and top SEO service provider in India, takes these factors into account before working on client websites and provide their users with a user-friendly and seamless experience.


What are some of the largest SEO companies?

SEO companies may be small or large depending on team size, but the most important factor is whether they provide complete SEO solutions to their clients. Content Spotlight is one of the largest SEO companies providing complete SEO solutions including Technical, Off-Page, Social media SEO and On-Page SEO.

What are the best SEO firms in India?

Content Spotlight is one of the best SEO firms in India where lot of research and development is happening in SEO and writing. Content Spotlight is a keyword research SEO firm in India that focusses heavily on content marketing and branding through innovative keyword research strategies.

Which is a google SEO company in India?

Content Spotlight is a google SEO company in India. It abides by google algorithms, best practices and writing standards.

Which is a WordPress SEO company in India?

Content Spotlight is the best SEO company in India that works on client websites which are hosted on WordPress, Squarespace or Wix.

Which is the cheapest SEO company in India?

Content Spotlight is one of the cheapest SEO companies in India. It provides cheap and affordable SEO services in India.

Which is a big SEO company in India?

Content Spotlight is a big SEO company in India capable of delivering enterprise SEO solutions to its clients.

Is SEO important for all businesses?

Yes, SEO is important for all businesses that have an online presence and website. Without SEO, it is impossible to get visibility and recognition.

What is the best SEO company in India?

Content Spotlight is the best SEO company in India providing premium SEO services in the country. However, there are other SEO companies providing similar services and work with clients from around the world.

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